Hunted to near extinction, the gods fled the old universe. What drove them forth, who can say? What is known is that they lost whatever war they were fighting. They abandoned their people, and everything they valued, and traveled to this universe.
The universe was empty; a perfect void. Believing themselves safe, they created three realms: The Celestial, for those who valued peace, love, compassion, and all the good things in the multiverse; The Infernal, for those who valued war, anguish, pain, and all the evil things in the multiverse; and the Mortal, which would serve as a buffer between them.
Six gods made their home in the Celestial realm. Of this realm, they created a home of light, beauty, and peace. They created a race of angelic beings whom they named after this realm – The Celestials. Together, the Gods of Creation and the Celestials lived and loved and rested. Over time, they forgot where they had come from.
Six gods made their home in the Infernal realm. Of this realm, they created a home of fire, storms, and war. They created a race of demonic beings whom they named after this realm – The Infernals. Together, the Gods of Destruction and the Infernals quarreled and warred and played cruel tricks on one another. Over time, they forgot where they had come from.
Six gods made their home in the Mortal realm. Of this realm, they created a home of both love and fear, beauty and ugliness, peace and war. They created six different kinds of beings whom they named after this realm – The mortals. Together, the Gods of Balance and the mortals lived and loved, but they also quarreled and warred. Over time, they forgot where they had come from.