Thoth, God of Magic, Science, and the Laws of Nature, read from the Holy Book of Laws, and his words became the laws of the universe. Next, Enshari, Goddess of the Moon and the Stars, reached into her bag of elemental dust, and scattered it throughout the universe, creating the stars, planets, and moons.
Ahto, God of the Oceans, Seas, Rivers, and Lakes, shed his tears over the land, and created the waters. Hazzi, God of Mountain and Stone, struck the world with his battle hammer, and forged the mountains just as he lowered the valleys.
Taipo, God of Nature, filled the wilderness with plants and trees and vegetation of every kind. Finally, Artemis, Goddess of Animals, Hunting, and the Circle of Life, populated the world with animals and set the great Circle of Life spinning.
The gods saved six mortals when they fled the old universe. Two of each ancestry, so that mortals might thrive in the new world:
- Saraswati saved her chosen people, those of elven ancestry, to fill the mortal realm with their beauty and grace.
- Hazzi saved his chosen people, those of dwarven ancestry, to bring strength and structure to the mortal realm.
- Inanna saved her chosen people, those of human ancestry, to love and care for the mortal realm.
The gods created three new mortal ancestries in honor of the three new realms they created:
- Tir created the mighty ferals in honor of the Celestial realm to protect the mortal realm from all enemies.
- Artemis created the kucheri in honor of the mortal realm to serve as bridges between the natural world and the people of the world.
- Enshari created the peri in honor of the Infernal realm to torment and harass the people of the world.
The elves and kucheri retreated to the wilderness areas, choosing to exist peacefully with the natural world. The dwarves carved the mighty kingdom of Thornhelm deep under the mountains, while the cruel peri carved a kingdom of ice at the top of the world. The powerful ferals moved into the cold wilderness of the North and forged a peaceful and honorable society.
No race felt the desire to explore and migrate more than the humans. From the cradle of civilization at Bloodshire, the humans spread across the mortal realm in all directions, creating proud kingdoms, free city-states, and other nations as they went. Some nations, such as the Ahriman Empire, they dedicated to the gods, while they developed others around trade opportunities or the collection of natural resources.
For ten thousand years, the mortal realm flourished.