The world of Erdael contains a wide variety of land masses, geographic phenomena, and terrains. The continent of Cambria is home to the majority of the people in the world and serves as the backdrop to the stories of Exterminis. On these pages, you can learn about some of the prominent features of this land.
It is a post-apocalyptic world, and as such, it is mostly deserted. The people huddle together in small family units, and civilization lies mostly in ruins. Everywhere, the great cities and nations are slowly being reclaimed by nature, and unspeakable horrors stalk the land. Although a few cities still exist, they are mostly isolated from each other, because few dare to travel across the wilderness.
Volcanic Wastes
The Volcanic Wastes is an area of fire, lava, and falling ash deep within the Sulastan Desert. Once the capitol city of an evil empire, it is now only home to demons, devils, and other unholy monstrosities. The Ahriman Empire was destroyed in a monumental calamity...
The Dwarven Kingdom of Thornhelm is shrouded in mystery. It has been closed off from the rest of the world since the Desecration, and the few dwarves who roam the surface world do not speak of it. It was once the primary source of gold, precious metals, gems, and...
Sulastan Desert
The Sulastan Desert is a large desolate area of burning sands and stinging winds that stretches along the Western edge of Cambria, from Bloodshire in the North down to the Nahuatl Jungle in the South. It is a largely uninhabited land, home only to bandits and other...
Pirate Isles
The Pirate Isles are an archipelago located in the Endless Sea. A loose confederation of city-states dot the landscape, the largest being Port Chaos on the largest island. The whole area is mostly lawless and chaotic, home to pirates, thieves, and rogues of every type.
Nahuatl Jungle
The Nahuatl Jungle dominates the southern half of the continent of Cambria. It is a dense, hot, and very humid jungle, and is largely unexplored. The evil peoples of the world sometimes make excursions into the outer areas of the jungle to capture slaves, but the...
The frozen island of Meliyat is home to the evil race of ice elves known as the peri. Its shores are sheer cliffs that shoot up from the surface of the frozen Northern Sea, and there is only one harbor, which is heavily patrolled by the peri navy, and otherwise...
The plains of Ka’Ne’Ess’Ga stretch along the northern half of Cambria from Bloodshire in the west, past Derbyshire, and onward eastward into the unknown lands. It is home to those of elven ancestry, who roam the expanse in nomadic tribes and live closely with the...
Heavenspire Mountains
The Heavenspire Mountains are the only mountain chain on the continent of Cambria. They split the continent down the middle, and serve as a nearly impenetrable barrier for those wishing to travel between the Sulastan Desert in the west and the forest of Ashyr in the...
Endless Sea
The Western shore of Cambria leads to the Endless Sea, so named because no one has ever found another shore where it might end. Several islands dot its salty waves, the most notorious being the Pirate Isles, home to pirates, rogues, thieves, and scallywags of all types.
Calymnia is the only nation still standing on Erdael. A magical dome secures its borders and keeps the undead and demonic terrors at bay. Because of this, it serves as a refuge and safe haven for the good and honorable people who survived the Desecration. The capitol...